Plane Extraction on Surfaces
Plane Extraction on Surfaces
The use of SLAM has many applications in drones and augmented reality to track the 6DOF position of the camera. Currently there are two state of the art methods: ORB-SLAM and LSD-SLAM.We would be choosing to use ORB-SLAM because of the speed benefits of constructing a sparse feature map instead of a dense feature map and its robustness in tracking from literature. On the other hand, an implementation of semi-direct visual odometry is similar to ORB-SLAM but uses direct methods by useof photometric error to estimate pose instead of feature-based methods in SLAM which allows forspeed-up.
For now, we plan on using ORB-SLAM because of Android support online, but if possible we would like to use the implementation of Semi-Direct Visual Odometry to do the tracking since it is faster, however there is no loop closure or relocalization included with the open-source code at the current time. After ORB-SLAM is implemented and there is extra time, we would like to use the pose estimation to place a 3D object in a scene.
1. Get ORB-SLAM running on PC to get a sense of its output and to test possible object overlay
2. Calibrate the Android Camera using either OpenCV or ROS implementation
3. Get ORB-SLAM running on Android using open-source code
4. Since the default ORB-SLAM does not have relocalization, enable a reset to start over again if
pose gets lost
5. Extra: Add relocalization and loop closure if time permits
6. Extra: Do object placement using the pose-estimation in the following order
a. Place a cube
b. Place an OBJ file
c. Create UI for selecting object and placing them
1. Castoryan. "Castoryan/ORB-SLAM-Android." GitHub. N.p., 31 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
2. Solem, Jan Erik. "How to Calibrate a Camera with OpenCV and Python."Solem's Vision Blog:.
N.p., 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
3. Mur-Artal, Raul, J. M. M. Montiel, and Juan D. Tardós. "Orb-slam: a versatile and accurate
monocular slam system." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 31.5 (2015):
4. Forster, Christian, Matia Pizzoli, and Davide Scaramuzza. "SVO: Fast semi-direct monocular
visual odometry." 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
The use of SLAM has many applications in drones and augmented reality to track the 6DOF position of the camera. Currently there are two state of the art methods: ORB-SLAM and LSD-SLAM.We would be choosing to use ORB-SLAM because of the speed benefits of constructing a sparse feature map instead of a dense feature map and its robustness in tracking from literature. On the other hand, an implementation of semi-direct visual odometry is similar to ORB-SLAM but uses direct methods by useof photometric error to estimate pose instead of feature-based methods in SLAM which allows forspeed-up.
For now, we plan on using ORB-SLAM because of Android support online, but if possible we would like to use the implementation of Semi-Direct Visual Odometry to do the tracking since it is faster, however there is no loop closure or relocalization included with the open-source code at the current time. After ORB-SLAM is implemented and there is extra time, we would like to use the pose estimation to place a 3D object in a scene.
1. Get ORB-SLAM running on PC to get a sense of its output and to test possible object overlay
2. Calibrate the Android Camera using either OpenCV or ROS implementation
3. Get ORB-SLAM running on Android using open-source code
4. Since the default ORB-SLAM does not have relocalization, enable a reset to start over again if
pose gets lost
5. Extra: Add relocalization and loop closure if time permits
6. Extra: Do object placement using the pose-estimation in the following order
a. Place a cube
b. Place an OBJ file
c. Create UI for selecting object and placing them
1. Castoryan. "Castoryan/ORB-SLAM-Android." GitHub. N.p., 31 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
2. Solem, Jan Erik. "How to Calibrate a Camera with OpenCV and Python."Solem's Vision Blog:.
N.p., 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
3. Mur-Artal, Raul, J. M. M. Montiel, and Juan D. Tardós. "Orb-slam: a versatile and accurate
monocular slam system." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 31.5 (2015):
4. Forster, Christian, Matia Pizzoli, and Davide Scaramuzza. "SVO: Fast semi-direct monocular
visual odometry." 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
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